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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Lakhta Center. The Skyscrapers Facades

462 meters, 87 floors – Lakhta Center high-rise building is the tallest building in Europe. But the grand facility looks lightweight and elegant. This is largely due to the unique facade of the Tower. The glazing area of the Lakhta Center Tower facades is equal to the area of Nevsky prospect from Palace Square to Vosstaniya Square, which is 72 500 square meters. The entire glass facade is made up of 16 505 glass units of different shapes. Most of the facade elements are curved parallelograms. The mass of one facade element is more than 700 kg, and special equipment is required to install it. The use of energy-efficient glass in the facade reduces the energy consumption of the building up to 40%. The property of being harmonic can be added to the description of the high-rise building facade. Due to a special light reflection technology the Tower facade changes depending on the environment naturally blending in the space of the northern capital, becoming one with the city on the Neva.

Media-ID: 369070
Erstellt im/am: 26. Oktober 2017
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Geändert am: 11.01.2022

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